Announcement: Canine Companion Training closed on August 31, 2023

Thank you for visiting this website.  It is with some sadness that I am closing my business, Canine Companion Training as of August 31, 2023.  I am moving to the Island with my family at the end of September. 

To all my past clients, thank you!  It was my pleasure and privilege to work with you and your dogs.  I would love to hear from you. You can still reach me at 236.362.4032 or Please allow 1-2 days for me to review my messages and get back to you.

Teaching you to teach your canine companion. 

My name is Janet and I am a certified professional dog trainer based in Langley, BC. Join me for group puppy classes in the barn or schedule a one-on-one behavioural consultation session. My professional services can make a real difference in your life by helping you build a strong relationship with your dog based on trust.